Spring has come and gone. That came and went fast, didn’t it? Did you have time to do some spring cleaning for your small business during what seems like the shortest season for the year?
Cleaning up your small business is much like regular cleaning you’d do around your home. You organize, throw out old things, and implement new systems. The difference is that it isn’t quite as labor intensive physically, but is more mentally taxing. Oh, and there’s usually less cleaning products and heavy lifting involved.
Here are 5 things you can do to clean up around the office this summer.
Websites and Social Media
What is your online presence like? Is your website written well? Does your Facebook profile have outdated information? Look for ways to tighten up wording, shed your old news, and travel into the future months clean and ready for business.
How is your business functioning from an HR prospective. Do you need to shift some people around for the season? Assign new job functions and titles? What roles have people been assuming over the past year? Take a close look for opportunities to fine-tune your office functionality.
Perhaps it’s finally time to clean out those 57 pages of emails you have been waiting to organize into convenient, manageable folders. Think of it this way: a cluttered inbox is like having a messy office. De-cluttering adds a fresh prospective and peace of mind, which then adds to productivity and effectiveness. Motivated now?
The Present
Most businesses have a business plan. Where’s yours? Have you looked at it recently? If so, does it still speak to your business? This month is a great time to revisit the groundwork you drew up originally and see if it is still working for you.
The Future
In looking at your business plan, where do you see your small business headed over the next year? The next few years? Decades? Maybe its time to set up some solid expectations for how you see the future, apply limits, stretch goals, and restructure overarching aspirations.
For more ways in which we can help you, please contact us any time.